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GEARS CANADA ギアーズカナダ コード SAE-同軸オス【CORD SAE TO MALE COAX [2130-0110]】

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新品 2155.92円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :6122167403
中古 :6122167403-1
メーカー GEARS 発売日 2025/02/15 13:18 定価 2155.92円

GEARS CANADA ギアーズカナダ コード SAE-同軸オス【CORD SAE TO MALE COAX [2130-0110]】

商品概要カラー:ブラックU.S.A.製:-モデル:GEN X-3スタイル:SAE/to同軸男性タイプ:アダプタCOLOR:BlackMADE IN THE U.S.A.:NoMODEL:Gen X-3STYLE:SAE to Coax MaleTYPE:Adapter詳細説明・For use with GEN X-3 heated apparel・Coax plug battery cord:connects between vehicle’s 12V power sourceand heated clothing;20”L and includes dust cap・Coax switch cord:connects between battery cord and heated clothingfor single-output on/off selection;30”L (expands to 45”L)・Dual coax switch cord:connects between battery cord and heatedclothing for dual-output on/off selection (e.g. controls jacket andgloves separately);22”L power cord with two 14”L outputcords;features LED on/off display for both switches・Male coax to two female coax splitter:connects to battery cord andsplits to allow connection of two separate articles of heatedclothing;5”L・Male cigarette lighter plug adapter:connects between heatedclothing and cigarette lighter plug;fits large (auto) or small(BMW, KTM, Triumph, Victory and Ducati) outlets;5”L・Female cigarette plug adapter:converts the battery cable to afemale cigarette plug outlet for charging of cell phones,etc.;5”L・Female coax panel mount cable:provides neat-lookingwater-resistant outlet for your 12V powered accessories;has afemale coax outlet on the exterior side and a 20”wire with malecoax plug on the interior to be connected to under the seat 12Vpower source・SAE to coax female adapter:converts GEN X-2 battery cord orbattery tender SAE lead to female coax;5”L;adapter should not beused to power GEN X-2 series gloves with GEN X-3 jacket or gloveconnection points・SAE to coax male adapter:connects the output wires of GEN X-3temperature controller (single or dual) to GEN X-2 heated clothing(or other brands of clothing with SAE connectors);connects GEN X-3gloves to other brands of heated jackets with SAE glove connectionplugs coming out of the sleeves;can be used in front of GEN X-3battery cord for connecting your battery chargers with a SAE plugconnection・Y glove harness:connects between battery cord and heated gloves orglove liners for use without heated vest/jacket;42”cord runs frombattery cord and splits into 31”L and 45”L glove connectingcords・Snap on/off glove harnesses:connect heated gloves or glove linersto the heated vest;sold in pairs;35”L・Extension cables:heavy-duty extension cables extend power outputlocation of small battery cord output to the front of thevehicle;useful for connecting GPS or other 12V accessory near thehandle bar;available in 25”and 40”lengths注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。

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